Kaltura API

KalturaObjectBase Inherited from KalturaObjectBase
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
relatedObjects map of KalturaListResponse
KalturaDistributionProfile Inherited from KalturaDistributionProfile
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
id int Auto generated unique id
createdAt int Profile creation date as Unix timestamp (In seconds)
updatedAt int Profile last update date as Unix timestamp (In seconds)
partnerId int
providerType KalturaDistributionProviderType V
name string V
status KalturaDistributionProfileStatus V
submitEnabled KalturaDistributionProfileActionStatus V
updateEnabled KalturaDistributionProfileActionStatus V
deleteEnabled KalturaDistributionProfileActionStatus V
reportEnabled KalturaDistributionProfileActionStatus V
autoCreateFlavors string V Comma separated flavor params ids that should be auto converted
autoCreateThumb string V Comma separated thumbnail params ids that should be auto generated
optionalFlavorParamsIds string V Comma separated flavor params ids that should be submitted if ready
requiredFlavorParamsIds string V Comma separated flavor params ids that required to be ready before submission
optionalThumbDimensions array of KalturaDistributionThumbDimensions V Thumbnail dimensions that should be submitted if ready
requiredThumbDimensions array of KalturaDistributionThumbDimensions V Thumbnail dimensions that required to be readt before submission
optionalAssetDistributionRules array of KalturaAssetDistributionRule V Asset Distribution Rules for assets that should be submitted if ready
requiredAssetDistributionRules array of KalturaAssetDistributionRule V Assets Asset Distribution Rules for assets that are required to be ready before submission
sunriseDefaultOffset int V If entry distribution sunrise not specified that will be the default since entry creation time, in seconds
sunsetDefaultOffset int V If entry distribution sunset not specified that will be the default since entry creation time, in seconds
recommendedStorageProfileForDownload int V The best external storage to be used to download the asset files from
recommendedDcForDownload int V The best Kaltura data center to be used to download the asset files to
recommendedDcForExecute int V The best Kaltura data center to be used to execute the distribution job
distributeTrigger KalturaDistributeTrigger V The event that trigger the automatic distribute
supportImageEntry bool
KalturaConfigurableDistributionProfile Inherited from KalturaConfigurableDistributionProfile
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
fieldConfigArray array of KalturaDistributionFieldConfig V
itemXpathsToExtend array of KalturaExtendingItemMrssParameter V
useCategoryEntries bool V When checking custom XSLT conditions using the fieldConfigArray - address only categories associated with the entry via the categoryEntry object
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
username string V
host string V
password string V
folderrecordid string V
metadataprofileid string V
metadataprofileidpushing string V