Kaltura API

Update details and settings of an existing partner
Input Params
Name Type Description Required Default Value
partner KalturaPartner V
allowEmpty bool 1
Output Type
Example HTTP Hit
JSON object:
{ partner: { objectType: "KalturaPartner", name: "value", website: "value", notificationUrl: "value", appearInSearch: value, adminName: "value", adminEmail: "value", description: "value", commercialUse: value, landingPage: "value", userLandingPage: "value", contentCategories: "value", type: value, phone: "value", describeYourself: "value", adultContent: value, defConversionProfileType: "value", notify: value, allowQuickEdit: value, mergeEntryLists: value, notificationsConfig: "value", allowedFromEmailWhiteList: "value", maxUploadSize: value, partnerPackage: value, allowMultiNotification: value, adminUserId: "value", firstName: "value", lastName: "value", country: "value", state: "value", additionalParams: [{ objectType: "KalturaKeyValue", key: "value", value: "value" }], useSso: value, blockDirectLogin: value, partnerParentId: value, referenceId: "value", eSearchLanguages: [{ objectType: "KalturaESearchLanguageItem", eSerachLanguage: "value" }], passwordStructureValidations: [{ objectType: "KalturaRegexItem", regex: "value", description: "value" }], passwordStructureValidationsDescription: "value", passReplaceFreq: value, maxLoginAttempts: value, loginBlockPeriod: value, numPrevPassToKeep: value, isSelfServe: value, eventPlatformAllowedTemplates: "value", customAnalyticsDomain: "value" }, allowEmpty: value }