Kaltura API

KalturaObjectBase Inherited from KalturaObjectBase
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
relatedObjects map of KalturaListResponse
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
id int
name string V
website string V
notificationUrl string V
appearInSearch int V
createdAt int
adminName string V deprecated - lastName and firstName replaces this field
adminEmail string V
description string V
commercialUse KalturaCommercialUseType V
landingPage string V
userLandingPage string V
contentCategories string V
type KalturaPartnerType V
phone string V
describeYourself string V
adultContent bool V
defConversionProfileType string V
notify int V
status KalturaPartnerStatus
allowQuickEdit int V
mergeEntryLists int V
notificationsConfig string V
allowedFromEmailWhiteList string V
maxUploadSize int V
partnerPackage int V
secret string
adminSecret string
cmsPassword string
allowMultiNotification int V
adminLoginUsersQuota int
adminUserId string V
firstName string V firstName and lastName replace the old (deprecated) adminName
lastName string V lastName and firstName replace the old (deprecated) adminName
country string V country code (2char) - this field is optional
state string V state code (2char) - this field is optional
additionalParams array of KalturaKeyValue V
publishersQuota int
partnerGroupType KalturaPartnerGroupType
defaultEntitlementEnforcement bool
defaultDeliveryType string
defaultEmbedCodeType string
deliveryTypes array of KalturaPlayerDeliveryType
embedCodeTypes array of KalturaPlayerEmbedCodeType
templatePartnerId int
ignoreSeoLinks bool
useTwoFactorAuthentication bool
useSso bool V
blockDirectLogin bool V
host string
cdnHost string
isFirstLogin bool
logoutUrl string
partnerParentId int V
crmId string
referenceId string V
timeAlignedRenditions bool
publisherEnvironmentType int
ovpEnvironmentUrl string
ottEnvironmentUrl string
eSearchLanguages array of KalturaESearchLanguageItem V
authenticationType KalturaPartnerAuthenticationType
extendedFreeTrailExpiryReason string
extendedFreeTrailExpiryDate int Unix timestamp (In seconds)
extendedFreeTrail int
extendedFreeTrailEndsWarning bool
eightyPercentWarning int
usageLimitWarning int
lastFreeTrialNotificationDay int
monitorUsage int
passwordStructureValidations array of KalturaRegexItem V
passwordStructureValidationsDescription string V
passReplaceFreq int V
maxLoginAttempts int V
loginBlockPeriod int V
numPrevPassToKeep int V
allowDefaultPasswordRestrictions bool
twoFactorAuthenticationMode KalturaTwoFactorAuthenticationMode
isSelfServe bool V
allowedDomains string
excludedAdminRoleName string
eventPlatformAllowedTemplates string V
verticalClassificationId int
recycleBinRetentionPeriod int
customAnalyticsDomain string V