Finding Our Harmony Through Music

<div>Music may be considered a universal language. The same components that make up music – tempo, rhythm, pitch – are all part of everyday speech in every language. Additionally, facial expressions are universal and certain sounds are consistent across cultures.</div><div>Join our keynote speakers, Matt Gould and Griffin Matthews, in an interactive workshop. Participants will collaborate with the presenters to create a song based on a global issue. Through the process, participants will discover how the universal language of music can cross cultures.</div><div>Session Goals and Outcomes</div><div>Participants will discuss the universal language of music to discover commonality among cultures.</div><div>Participants will interact with the presenters to create an original song based on a global issue.</div><div>Participants may discuss other universal aspects of communication that cross cultures.</div><div>Presenters</div><div>Matt Gould</div><div>Griffin Matthews</div>