Kaltura API

Update live channel. Only the properties that were set will be updated.
Input Params
Name Type Description Required Default Value
id string Live channel id to update V
liveChannel KalturaLiveChannel Live channel metadata to update V
Output Type
Example HTTP Hit
JSON object:
{ id: "value", liveChannel: { objectType: "KalturaLiveChannel", offlineMessage: "value", recordStatus: value, dvrStatus: value, dvrWindow: value, lastElapsedRecordingTime: value, liveStreamConfigurations: [{ objectType: "KalturaLiveStreamConfiguration", protocol: "value", url: "value", publishUrl: "value", backupUrl: "value", streamName: "value" }], recordedEntryId: "value", pushPublishEnabled: value, publishConfigurations: [{ objectType: "KalturaLiveStreamPushPublishConfiguration", publishUrl: "value", backupPublishUrl: "value", port: "value" }], currentBroadcastStartTime: value, recordingOptions: { objectType: "KalturaLiveEntryRecordingOptions", shouldCopyEntitlement: value, shouldCopyScheduling: value, shouldCopyThumbnail: value, shouldMakeHidden: value, shouldAutoArchive: value, nonDeletedCuePointsTags: "value", archiveVodSuffixTimezone: "value" }, segmentDuration: value, explicitLive: value, viewMode: value, recordingStatus: value, broadcastTime: value, playlistId: "value", repeat: value } }